Retail Workshop

Queen City Clay 2760 Highland Ave, Norwood, OH, United States

Details TBA.  Find info on our Workshops page.

Holiday Bazaar!!!

Queen City Clay 2760 Highland Ave, Norwood, OH, United States

Join us for our annual Holiday Bazaar Sale.  Members and staff will be selling pottery throughout the building.  More details TBA.

No classes.

Classes are not in session from Saturday November 19th - Friday November 26th for the Holiday Bazaar and Thanksgiving.  Classes will resume on Saturday, November 26th.  No make-ups needed, built into the class schedule.

Studio Closing Early

The studio will close at 1pm today.  Happy Thanksgiving!

Studio Close

Closed Nov 24th-25th for the Thanksgiving holiday.

Holiday Firing Deadline

All work must be on class carts or firing counter by the end of the following dates to get it back before we close for the holidays. Bisque: End of day 12/6 Cone 6: End of day 12/13 Cone 9 ox: End of day 12/13 Cone 10 Reduction: 12/14 We can't guarantee anything back for […]

Retail Workshop

Queen City Clay 2760 Highland Ave, Norwood, OH, United States

Details TBA.  Find info on our Workshops page.

Glaze Week: December 12th-18th

Time to glaze!  No wet work this week, including trimming and finishing.  If you’re not taking class next time, your shelf should have been cleared off by Sunday, December 11th.

Holiday Firing Deadline

All work must be on class carts or firing counter by the end of the following dates to get it back before we close for the holidays. Bisque: End of day 12/6 Cone 6: End of day 12/13 Cone 9 ox: End of day 12/13 Cone 10 Reduction: 12/14 We can't guarantee anything back for […]

Holiday Firing Deadline

All work must be on class carts or firing counter by the end of the following dates to get it back before we close for the holidays. Bisque: End of day 12/6 Cone 6: End of day 12/13 Cone 9 ox: End of day 12/13 Cone 10 Reduction: 12/14 We can't guarantee anything back for […]

Studio Closed

Closed for our annual winter break December 24th - January 1st.

Sunday Intro Class Make-Up

Queen City Clay 2760 Highland Ave, Norwood, OH, United States

This is the make-up date for the Sunday Intro to Wheel class, rescheduled from our snow day on January 22nd.