Gallery Reception

Queen City Clay 2760 Highland Ave, Norwood, OH, United States

Feathers, Fins, & Fur This unique showcase will celebrate the diverse world of non-human animals.  Art works will be juried by Sara Torgison Still accepting submissions for this show!  Find the […]

Class Session 2

Queen City Clay 2760 Highland Ave, Norwood, OH, United States

March 3rd-April 27th *Sun April 20-wk7, Easter. Sun W1 will meet on Sat, April 19. *Sat April 26-wk8, Spring Sale, Sat. students may glaze with any class that week or […]

Gallery Reception

Queen City Clay 2760 Highland Ave, Norwood, OH, United States

Heatwork Showcasing ceramic works fired with wood, salt, soda, or utilizing pit firing and raku techniques with imaginative and contemporary takes on these time-honored methods. Still accepting submissions for this […]

Studio Closed

Closed for Easter Sun W1 will meet on Sat April 19

Annual Spring Sale

Queen City Clay 2760 Highland Ave, Norwood, OH, United States

Follow us on Social Media for updates! @queencityclay

Class Session 3

Queen City Clay 2760 Highland Ave, Norwood, OH, United States

April 28th-June 22nd *Mon May 26-wk5, Memorial Day, make-up June 23 (break week) for glazing, shelves cleared 6/16 after class. Class Schedule>>>

Wood Fire Workshop

Queen City Clay 2760 Highland Ave, Norwood, OH, United States

Details TBA on our Workshop Page.

Studio Closed

Closed for Memorial Day *Mon classes, make-up June 23 (break week) for glazing, shelves cleared June 16 after class.

Gallery Reception

Queen City Clay 2760 Highland Ave, Norwood, OH, United States

Peter Jadoonath & Kyle Lascelle Details on our Gallery Page>>> *Visiting artist workshop 6/21-22

Intensive Teacher Workshop: Wheel

Queen City Clay 2760 Highland Ave, Norwood, OH, United States

Tentative Date.  Details TBD.  Use the form on our page for Educators to get email notifications specifically for art teachers.

Workshop: Peter Jadoonath & Kyle Lascelle

Queen City Clay 2760 Highland Ave, Norwood, OH, United States

VISITING ARTIST WORKSHOP: Peter Jadoonath and Kyle Lascelle will be sharing their methods for construction and surface embellishment in this two-day workshop. throwing and handbuilding techniques will be presented as […]