Do you take commission work?

Queen City Clay does not take commissions, but an individual artist who works at the studio may! We have many professional artists who call Queen City Clay home, and they’re always interested to hear about potential jobs. Call the shop and let us know the details and we’ll do our best to match you to a professional...

Do you fire ceramics made in other places?

If you know the firing temperature of the clay/glazes, we can absolutely fire your pieces for you! Our firing rates are $2/lb for cone 04-5, and $4/lb for cone 9/10 firings.

Can you fire clay I bought from Michael’s/Hobby Lobby?

No! Clay’s sold at craft stores are (98% of the time) polymer clays. These can be fired in a toaster oven, but be sure to read directions on any clay that you buy. Even at a super low fire temperature, a kiln still reaches over 1000 degrees F.

Can my flower pots stay outside during the winter?

Flower pots cannot stay outside over the winter. Most flower pots are made from earthenware which lets moisture pass through it. When the water freezes, the ice will break the pot apart

Can my birdbath go outside?

Birdbaths are usually fine to stay outside but there are a few things you need to check. Keep in mind that when water freezes, it expands. If your birdbath holds water that freezes, is there a rim or overhang that won’t let the ice expand? If so, your birdbath will be destroyed by the ice. If you know who made the bird bath, check to make sure they used clay and glaze that were fired to at least cone...