Gallery Reception

Queen City Clay 2760 Highland Ave, Norwood, OH, United States

Feathers, Fins, & Fur This unique showcase will celebrate the diverse world of non-human animals.  Art works will be juried by Sara Torgison Still accepting submissions for this show!  Find the link for open calls on our Gallery Page>>>

Gallery Reception

Queen City Clay 2760 Highland Ave, Norwood, OH, United States

Heatwork Showcasing ceramic works fired with wood, salt, soda, or utilizing pit firing and raku techniques with imaginative and contemporary takes on these time-honored methods. Still accepting submissions for this show!  Find the link for open calls on our Gallery Page>>>

Annual Spring Sale

Queen City Clay 2760 Highland Ave, Norwood, OH, United States

Follow us on Social Media for updates! @queencityclay

Gallery Reception

Queen City Clay 2760 Highland Ave, Norwood, OH, United States

Peter Jadoonath & Kyle Lascelle Details on our Gallery Page>>> *Visiting artist workshop 6/21-22

Gallery Reception

Queen City Clay 2760 Highland Ave, Norwood, OH, United States

Tactile Work you want to touch.  Invitational. Details on our Gallery Page>>>

Gallery Reception

Queen City Clay 2760 Highland Ave, Norwood, OH, United States

Hannah Thompsett Details on our Gallery Page>>> *visiting artist workshop 10/11-10/12

Gallery Reception

Queen City Clay 2760 Highland Ave, Norwood, OH, United States

Annual Resident Artist Showcase Details on our Gallery Page>>>

Annual Holiday Bazaar

Queen City Clay 2760 Highland Ave, Norwood, OH, United States

Follow us on Social Media for updates! @queencityclay